A Clinical Study on the Effect of Immediate Decrease of Pain for Acupuncture treatment in Adolescent Primary Dysmenorrheic Patients

體鍼治療가 靑少年期 原發性 月經痛 患者의 즉각적인 鎭痛에 미치는 交果에 대한 硏究

Ju, Byeong-Ju;Im, Seong-Min;Kim, Hyeong-Jun;Lee, Dong-Nyeong

  • Published : 20030000


Objectives The objectives of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of acupuncture treatment for adolescent primary dysmenorrheic patients. Method This study was carried out to the 30 adolescent primary dysmenorrheic patients without pelvic or other systemic disease and its history who visited outpatient department of Oriental Hospital, Se-Myung University from September. 2002 to October, 2002. We investigated general characteristics. menstrual and dysmenorrheic characteristics through the patient's note and comparison of before and after acupuncture treatment by using a 10cm Visual Analogue Scale(VAS) for sample patients. Result The meant${\pm}$Standard Error of mean(S.E) of VAS score on before and after acupuncture treatment were 6.10${\pm}$0.27 and 2.70${\pm}$0.35. The mean${\pm}$S.E of VAS score of after acupuncture treatment was decreased significantly compared with that of before(p 〈 0.01). Conclusion The acupuncture treatment will be efficacious against adolescent primary dysmenorrhea.



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