Effects of Electro-acupuncture on Sam mgyo(SP-6)?hagung(CA-111) on Polycystic Ovary in Rats

三陰交·子宮穴 전침 자극이 백서의 다낭성 난소에 미치는 영향

Gwon, Se-Ra;Lee, Jin-A;Yang, Seung-Jeong;Jo, Seong-Hui;Jin, Cheon-Sik

  • Published : 20030000


The polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS) still remains as one of the most common causes of anovulation in women of reproductive age. Therefore, seeking the pathogenesis of PCOS is important for controlling fertility. In traditional Oriental Medicine, acupuncture has been used for the function of ovaries. The present study was designed to evaluate if electro-acupuncture(EA) could affect the experimentally induced polycystic ovary(PCO) in the rat. Two acupoints of Sam mgyo(SP-6) and Chagung(CA-111) were stimulated for the efficacy in the expression of nerve growth factor(NGF) that is known to participate in the pathology of ovarian dysfunction. The administration of EA was done twice per week for 8 weeks. The morphological changes of ovaries from EA treatment were compared to those from oil-treated control group and estradiol valerate-injected group. The expression of NGF was analyzed in the central nervous system, adrenal glands and ovaries by immunohistochemistry. The main findings of the present study were 1) PCO was fully developed in the rat with a single intramuscular injection of estradiol valerate, 2) significantly higher concentrations of NGF were found in the ovaries, adrenal glands and the brain in the rats with PCO than in the control rats that were only injected with the oil, 3) repeated EA treatments in PCO rats resulted in NGF expressions in the ovaries that were significantly lower than those in non-EA-treated PCO rats without affecting the brain tissues significantly. It is concluded that EA disrupts the NGF involvement in ovarian dysfunction.



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