A case series of 3 outpatients complaining of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

비정상자궁출혈 환자 3예에 대한 임상 보고

Oh, Jae-Sung;Cho, Jung-Hoon;Jang, Jun-Bock;Lee, Kyung-Sub

  • Published : 20030000


We treated 3 outpaients who had abnormal uterine bleeding and visited KyungHee Oriental Medical Center by Herb-medication and acupuncture therapy and got good results from them. For the 1 st case, the 22-year-old female patient with anovulatory uterine bleeding was treated from the 13th February 2003 to the 14th April 2003. In herbal medication Yikweseungyangtanggamibang or Jokyungsangamibang was used. In acupuncture therapy, Sp10(Hyulhae, 血海) K10(Umgok, 陰谷) Sp6(Samumgyo, 三陰交) Liv2(Haenggan, 行間) Liv3(Taechung, 太衝) CV3(Chungguk, 中極) were used. For the 2nd case, the 29-year-old female patient with abnormal uterine bleeding was treated from the 21th January 2003 to the 26th March 2003. In herbal medication Yikweseungyangtanggamibang was used. In acupuncture therapy, the same acupuncture points of 1st patient were used. For the 3rd case, the 65-year-old female patient with abnormal uterine bleeding was treated from the 22th February 2003 to the 10th March 2003. In herbal medication Yikweseungyangtang and Gyoaejihyultang was used. In acupuncture therapy, the same acupuncture points of 1st patient were used.



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