Effects of Herbal Composition on Longitudinal Bone Growth of Adolescent Rats

성장관련 한약 혼합제제의 흰쥐 장골 길이성장에 대한 효과

Leem Kang-Hyun;Kim Ho-Hyun

  • Published : 20030000


Objectives : This study was designed to investigate the effects of herbal composition on the growth of longitudinal bone in the adolescent male rats. Methods : Longitudinal bone growth was measured by fluorescence microscopy after injection of tetracycline, which formed fluorescent band to the bone forming sites. To examine the effects on the growth plate metabolism, the heights of growth plate was measured. Results : Treatment of herbal composition (200 mg/kg 및 500 mg/kg) significantly enhanced longitudinal bone growth compared with control group. And herbal composition promoted the height of growth plate. Conclusion : Herbal composition enhanced longitudinal bone growth and promoted the height of growth plate in adolescence male rats.



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