Study on one seong of Shanghanlun

傷寒論의 1升에 대한 현대적 용량 추정

Kim, In-Rak;Cho Sang-Hyun

  • Published : 20030000


Objectives : The purpose of this study was to determine new assumptive value of one seung of Jung-Kyung fomulae. Methods : Find out the assumption that the one Seung of Jung-Kyung formulae is 198mL by the modem weights and measures is contradictory to the real values. And find out the new assumptive vaule. Results : 1) Comparing the fact of two Doo grain and one Doo in stomach with the volume of adult stomach, one Seung is 65,-70mL. 2) If the amount of one seung is 198mL as an emergency drug, it can be too much amount to the coma patient. 3 ) In the case of Gui-zhi--Tang, if the one Seung is 198mL, the time required to boil the formula is two and half hour which is impossible time to ingest Gui--zhi-Tang. 4) If one Seung is l%mL, in Taekchil-Tang 5 Seung of water is 101, and the time required to boil the formula can be 11 hours more. 5) If the one Seuny is 198mL, the ingested amount of two and half Seung in Mahwangsoonju-Tang is 500mlL. It is too much amount for the ingestion one time. 6) If one Seung is 198mL, in the drugs of which the daily amount is two Seung and one Seung the ingest volume is too much. 7) If one Seung is 198mL, the suppository fomiulae prepared with the honey is not able to be inserted to the rectum. Conclusions : According to the results mentioned above, the assmumption that one Seung is 198mL by the modem weights and measures is unreasonable. The assumption that one Seung is 70mL is reasonable.



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  2. 金匱要略 李克光(주편)
  3. 中國度量形圖集 金基協(譯)
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  11. 黃帝內經靈樞校注譯 郭靄春(편저)
  12. 黃帝內經太素 楊上善(撰注)
  13. 두산백과사전
  14. 黃帝內經素問校注 郭靄春(편저)
  15. 中醫雜誌 v.5 孫啓明