Clinical Research on 4 Cases of Coffee Enema among Detoxification Therapy effects on Rheumatoid Arthritis

해독요법중 커피관장을 이용한 류마토이드 관절염의 치험 4례

Lee, Seok-Won;Park, Won-Hyeong;Cha, Yun-Hyeop;Kim, Jin-Yeon;Ok, In-Su

  • Published : 20030000


Objectives : To evaluate the effect of treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis by using Coffee Enema that is well known as detoxifying our body toxins.Methods : Everyday before eating breakfast we gave Coffee Enema and Examined the ESR, RF, CRP, VAS every two weeks.Results :After Coffee Enema, we could obtain good result that ESR, RF, CRP, VAS were lower than vefire treatment.Conclusions : I think Coffee Enema therapy is useful for Rheumatoid Arthritis and expect good results from this method about another cronic diseases.



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