A case report about recurrent Ovarian Cyst which suggested cystadenoma

한방치료로 호전된 후 다시 증대된 장액성 낭선종으로 추정되는 난소낭종(Ovarian Cyst)을 치료한 임상증례 보고

Kim, Dong-Il;Gwak, Geum-Hwa;Choe, Min-Seon;Bae, Hyo-Sang;Lee, Tae-Gyun;Bae, Jae-Ik;Jeong, Yu-Mi

  • Published : 20030000


Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs or pockets within or on the surface of an ovary. Most cysts present little or no discomfort and are noncancerous and harmless. So non-surgical treatment by herbal medicine is important in this symptom. We report a case about recurrent ovarian cyst that suggested cystadenoma in this paper. Which case have been improved after Guichulpajing-tang and acupuncture therapy. Then, it recur after about 6 months. Thus in order to re-treat it, we used Guichulpajing-tang for about 10 weeks, and we got a good result. This result indicate that in case of benign ovarian cyst, Herbal medicine treatment of T.K.M may be an alternative to other treatment modalities of the western medicine.



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