A Landscape Characteristics of the Rural Community Forest at Gujung-ri in Gangneung as Cultural Landscape

농촌 문화경관으로서 강릉시 구정리 마을숲의 경관 특성

Choi, Jai-Ung;Kim, Dong-Yeob

  • Published : 2003.08.30


This study was conducted to find out the characteristics of landscape for the Rural Community Forest(RCF) at Gujung-ri in Gangneung. RCF of Gujung-ri have all of three landscape elements of RCF ; divine tree with old trees, shrine, and stone tower. RCF of Gujung-ri was dominated by Pinus densiflora. The area of RCF was $10,782m^2.$ The number of trees was 235 with average treedbh 41 cm. The shrine is a place where cultural ceremonies of the community are held. The area of shrine was $6m^2.$ Although the size is small, the existence of shrine implies that the forest is a holy place and should be preserved. The stone tower was located behind the shrine. It was connected with the stone wall, which was surrounding the shrine. The stone wall protected the shrine from winds blowing from Daekwanryung. The community ceremony was held at RCF on October 15th by lunar calendar.



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