Comparison of Korean and French Housing Policy through the Examination of Apartment Housing Complex Development

아파트단지 건설을 통해서 본 한국과 프랑스 주택정책 비교 연구

Bong, In-Shik;Kim, Do-Nyun

  • Published : 2003.11.30


Korea and France share a common housing type, which can be defined as multi-story apartment complex. However, the social status and economic background differs between Korean and French apartment. The purpose of this study is to examine the differences through analysing the management system of housing production. By comparing with the French system and analysing the actual mechanism of housing market, the problems of housing system in Korea will be identified. The housing systems of both countries are based on capitalism. In France, the government intervened to solve housing problems of low income people, a problems caused by the structural limitation of capitalism. However, in the case of Korea, within the provision of housing led by market logic, the more government tried to intervene, the worse the housing problems became - such as high house prices, monopolization of market, etc. Therefore, in order to resolve the vicious cycle of housing system in Korea, it is necessary to reestablish housing finance policy and introduce citizen participation in this field.



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