Yield Effect of Tomato Plants Raised from Cuttings of Lateral Shoot in Hydroponically Grown Cherry Tomato

水耕栽培 방울토마토의 側枝 揷木苗 이용에 따른 增收效果

Yang, Seung-Koo;LIm, Hyung-Ki;Choi, Kyung Ju;Kim, Wol-Soo;Chung, Soon Ju

  • Published : 20030000


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of tomato plants raised from cuttings of lateral shoot on the yield of hydroponically-grown cherry tomato. Pepe seedlings and its cuttings were grown in 50 cell tray filled with carbonized rice hull and perlite (3 : 7, v/v). Seedlings were transplanted on 16th of March 1995 and completed the harvesting on 17th of July. Standard ‘Yamazaki’ nutrient solution was used for growing tomatoes. There were no significant differences in shoot growth between plants from cuttings and seedlings. The first fruit cluster emerged at fourth node from cuttings, but emerged at seventh node from seedlings. The number of branch per cluster increased in plants raised from cuttings than that from the seedlings. The number of fruit from first to third clusters increased up to 26% in the plants from cuttings than that from seedlings. The fruit yields of first to third clusters were higher by 82%, and those from fourth to sixth clusters were higher by 30% in the plants raised from cuttings when compared with the seedlings. However, there were no significant differences in the content of soluble solids and titratable acid. No incidence of virus disease was detected which is likely to be caused by a wound during the early stage of vegetative growth. Therefore, cuttings of lateral shoot are feasible to increase the early yield of hydroponically grown cherry tomato.

수경재배에 있어서 방울토마토 측지 삽목묘의 着果習性과 과실수량을 파악하여 토마토의 側枝를 이용한 揷木재배 가능성을 검토하기 위하여 본 시험을 수행하였다. 방울토마토 Pepe 품종의 실생 64일묘와 측지삽목 24일묘를 순환식 수경재배 훈탄+펄라이트 배지에 1995년 3월 16일 정식하여 8화방 수확 종료시인 7월 17일까지 재배하였다. 방울토마토 삽목묘와 실생묘의 정식 후 지상부 생육은 有意的인 차이가 없었다. 한편 실생묘의 제1화방은 7마디에서 출현하였으나 삽목묘는 4마디에서 제1화방이 발생되었다. 그리고 제2화방부터는 실생묘와 삽목묘 공히 3마디마다 화방이 출현하였다. 삽목묘의 제1화방부터 3화방의 분지수는 실생묘보다 많았으나 이후에는 감소되었으며, 수확과수도 같은 傾向이었다. 따라서 삽목묘가 실생묘보다 제3화방까지 조기 수량은 약 82%가 증수되었으며, 제6화방까지 中期收量은 약 30%, 8화방까지의 全體收量은 삽목묘가 실생묘보다 약 21% 정도가 많아 수경 재배 시 방울토마토의 측지 삽목재배는 早期 增收效果가 큰 것으로 나타났다.



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