A study on Korean's knowledge about community water fluoridation in the flouridated and non-fluoridated area

수돗물 불소화지역과 비불소화 지역의 공직자 및 일반 주민의 수돗물불소화사업에 대한 인식도 연구

Lee, Choong-Sub;Seong, Jin-Hyo;Kim, Dong-Kie

  • Published : 20030600


For the purpose of establishing basic data for developing appropriate strategies to resolve problems of community water fluoridation decision making, this study was conducted to detect the knowledge and attitudes about community water fluoridation among Koreans. In this survey, the questionnaires were used to personally interview 1,562 citizens in 14 fluoridated areas and 18 non-fluoridated areas and 420 public officials with postage in 30 fluoridated areas and 40 nonfluoridated areas. This survey areas and persons were collected by multiple stratified systematic and proportional sampling. In this survey, the questionnaires of 1,539 citizens and of 275 public officials were analysed by SAS program. Overall, 44.2 percent of citizens had heard about community water fluoridation, while 99.6 percent of public officials had heard about community water fluoridation. Only 32.9 percent of the respondents of citizens had precise information on the purpose of community water fluoridation, but for public officials, that was 96.0 percent. 54.6 percent of the respondents of citizens who knew about community water fluoridation learned the information from mass media (television and newspaper etc.). 53.5 percent of the respondents of citizens hoped to implement and to continue community water fluoridation, while 71.6 percent of public officials hoped to implement and to continue water fluoridation. Based on these finding it is recommended that the education and promotion activities should be done on the purpose, the implementation or not and the meaning of community water fluoridation through mass media.



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