Study on facilities of Korea Modern Sport during the Japanese Colonial Days; with reference to Gyungsung Ground

일제하 한국근대스포츠시설에 관한 연구

Son, Hwan

  • Published : 20030000


As explained above, we examined the construction background, structure and regulation for use of Gyungsung Ground and the various matches and tournament in Gyungsung Ground to understand the conditions of Gyungsung Ground, the representative ground in Korean modern sports facilities during the Japanese colonial days, As a result, the following can be concluded. 1. Gyungsung Ground was the best ground in Asia that was built on the total dimension of about 75,000$m^{2}$with 155,000won as total construction cost. Gyungsung Authority decided to build it on the site where the training institute was located through the extraordinary conference as one of the project to celebrate the marriage of the Crown Prince and because of the necessity of the complete ground in Oct. 1925. 2. Gyungsung Ground included the field and track, baseball ground, and tennis court. The field and track was about 28,100$m^{2}$ wide with 15,000seats. The field and track was 500m long and 10m wide. And the football field, net was 27m. The distance from the home base to the left and right fence was 108m. The distance from the home base to the middle fence was 111.6m. The score boards were at the outfield and it had 7,000seats. The tennis court was 3,310㎡ wide and had two courts. It had 3,900seats and the training court of about 660$m^{2}$. 3. The entrance to Gyungsung Ground was divided into two age groups, 7 to 15 years old and over 15 years old. So people had to buy the private entrance and group entrance ticket. The private entrance ticket was divided into one time ticket and return ticket. The group entrance ticket was for the group over 35 people and was divided into the student ticket and general ticket. In addition, the fixed fee for use should be paid for matches and exercises. And it ran from 8AM until the sunset during winter and from 7AM until the sunset during other seasons. 4. In Gyungsung Ground, diverse matches and competitions were held from 1926 to the end of the Japanese colonial days, such as Chosen Amateur Athletic Association, national competitions including football, baseball, tennis, field and track events and all-round games held by the organ of expression, various athletic organizations and schools and preliminary matches for the Olympic and Far East Asia championships.



  1. 京城日報. 1925년2월15일. 訓練皖運動場は本年中に完成する
  2. 京城日報. 1925년3월31일. 訓練皖運動場また行惱む
  3. 京城日報. 1925년4월1일. 訓練皖グラウンは豫定通り着手
  4. 京城日報. 1925년5월30일. 今秋每上月竣成する訓練皖大競技場
  5. 京城日報. 1925년9월17일. 一萬五千を容れ下五階の大スタンド
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  13. 京城日報. 1925년10월14일. 十六日以後は大場料を取る
  14. 京城日報. 1925년10월16일. 鎭坐祭の佳き日に京運動場開き
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