The Biomechanical Analysis on the PIQUE BALANCE of the leg segment in Ballet

PIQUE BALANCE 동작의 하지 분절에 대한 운동 역학적 특성 분석

Yoo, Myung-Soo;Park, Yeong-Mi

  • Published : 20030000


In hopes of contribution to the establishment of a balance theory and the scientific teaching a holding balance in Ballet, this study was to analysis the basic data of kinetic-dynamic characteristics of leg segment in the balancing for Pique Balance which is the common shape of dance movement. Three women who have more than 10years career performed the balancing moment on Toe shoes Results 1. To balance on toe, B1 took 1.04 seconds longer than another subjects. Because B1 showed that in moment ROT more rapidly than another subjects. 2. It showed that that the shorter transition of CLSM kept a longer balancing on toe. 3. The CLSM was very close to the center-axis of supporting leg in balancing. In on toe, big forward-high moving was effective on quick holding balance. 4. It showed that the upward transition of CPM and the both well-balanced spina iliaca anterior superior(SIAS) were effective on holding balance. 5. In linking movement from plie to on toe, the higher velocity of CLSM was, the more rapidly balance was held, and could keep balancing longer. 6. High velocity was effective on keeping balance. 7. Large knee angle was effective on keeping balance. 8. Large angle of ankle joint was effective on keeping balance, too. 9. It showed that AVP on toe shoe was decreased and the upward acceleration was efficient during keeping balance 10. It showed that high angular velocity of supporting leg was effective on keeping balance. 11. The smaller angular momentum was, the better balance was kept. In linking movement from toe-touch of supporting leg to on-toe, small anguler momentum was effective on keeping balance. 12. The characteristics of ground reaction force in blancing on toe; the small Right-Left ground reaction force and the big Up-Down ground reaction force were effective on holding balance. To keep balance the smaller ground reaction forces(Right-Left & Forward-Backward) were more effective. In contemporary dance up-downward ground reaction forces were 87.33BW and the bigger ground reaction forces were more effective on balance. My suggestion the folling; the consideration for further study of balancing in dance. In order to study the kinetic & dynamic characteristics of balancing deeply, it needs to study the whole body as well as the leg segment concerning balancing area.



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