The Influence of Sports Environment Factors on the Dropouts from the Life Sports Program

생활체육 참가자의 운동환경 요인이 중도탈락에 미치는 영향

Kim, Min-Sup;Kim, Young-Mee

  • Published : 20030000


The purpose of this study is to find out the influence of sports environment factors on dropouts from the life sports programs. In this study personal traits, personal environments factors for participation in sports programs, satisfaction factors of schloarly, social, and educational sports environment are processed to test whether or not they influence on participation in sports programs and dropping out of them and to find out how much power of influence one factor has over the others. The subjects were 666 adults who had ever enrolled in 10 centers of sports for all located in Seoul, Taejeon, Kyoungki Province and Chungnam Province by using mail questionnaire method. The questionnaire consists of 36 questions, of which reliability and validity were already tested. Multiple regression analysis method were used in order to solve problems of the study. On the basis of the results, the conclusions were drawn as follows; 1. Age(+) has influences on exercise dropouts. 2. Exercise cost recognition(-), conflict between occupation and exercise(-), and perceived exercise ability(-) have influences on exercise dropouts. 3. Exercise atmosphere(-) and skill development(-) have influences on exercise dropouts. 4. Familarity with instructors and colleagues(-) have influences on exercise dropouts. 5. Exercise class size(-), and exercise program managing flexibility(-) have influences on exercise dropouts. In conclusions, optimal exercise cost and better atmosphere of exercise programs cause people to consistently participate in the exercise programs. It is also important to make them feel pleasant in exercise programs with more familarity with colleagues and instructors



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