A Study on the Characteristics of Daegu Citizens' Demand of Exhibition and Performance Arts

대구시민의 전시공연문화 수요특성에 관한 연구

Yun, Dae-Sic;Jin, Won-Hyung;Kim, Sang-Hwang;Yuk, Tae-Suk

  • Published : 20030000


This study aims to analyse the characteristics of Daegu Citizens` demand of exhibition and performance arts. For this study, learning existing literature and empirical research were conducted. The results basically indicate that the citizens in Daegu have a low degree of participation in exhibition and performance arts. The main reason is that the programs of cultural events do not draw great attention to the citizens. Therefore, it would be important to provide more public cultural facilities with new programs that meet the citizens` tastes. Moreover, the study found that the citizens of thirties are the most active participants. So, it would be important to target those citizens of thirties by providing a new set of programs and events for them. It should be also considered that new cultural facilities should be located in the central area of Daegu. Overall, the results of the study indicate that cultural events should be designed to serve the general public through popular programs. Partially, for exhibition events, the provision of public information is important in terms of increasing participation, but low-cost is an decisive factor to increase participation in concerts and dramatic performances. Cultural learning is an important part for housewives. In order to widen their participation, time schedules and contents of cultural learning should be more flexible and various.



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