Caries preventive effects of a school-based weekly mouthrinsing program with a 0.2% sodium fluoride solution for five years

0.2% 불화나트륨 용액으로 5년간 양치한 초등학교 아동의 영구치 우식증 예방효과

Son, Sug-Hoan;Lee, Jae-Hwa;Kim, Ji-Young;Kim, Jin-Bom

  • Published : 20030600


Supervised weekly fluoride mouthrinsing(FMR) program with 0.2 percent neutral sodium fluoride solution has been implemented at primary schools in Pusan, Korea since 1995 to prevent the prevalent dental caries. Children of sixth grade in 2000 who had joined the weekly FMR program at four primary schools in Pusan with a 0.2 percent sodium fluoride solution for five years from first grade in 1995 to fifth grade in 1999 were selected as experimental group. Children of sixth grade in 2000 who had not joined the FMR program until sixth grade and had not drunk fluoridated public water at two primary schools in the Bukgu(Northem) District of Ulsan were selected as control group. samples were 295 in FMR group and 312 in control group. To estimate caries preventive effect, epidemiologic dental survey was performed at the schools of FMR and control group in 2000 for 11-year-old children. The surveyed data were analyzed with SPSS statistical package. The obtained results were as follows. 1. Children who experienced caries on permanent teeth were 71.2% in FMRgroup and 83.3% in control group. 12.1% of DMF rate decreased in FMR group compared to control group. 2. The DMFT scores were 2.68 in FMR group and 3.29 in control group. The difference of DMFT scores was 0.61 between fluoride mouthrinsing group and control group. The caries reduction rate from 5-year FMR program was calculated as 18.5% by the difference of DMFT scores between FMR group and control group. 3. The DMFS scores were 4.04 in FMR group and 5.05 in control group. The difference of DMFS scores was 1.01 between FMR group and control group. The caries reduction rate from 5-year FMR program was calculated as 20.0% by the difference of DMFS scores between FMR group and control group. 4. Significant Caries Index of permanent teeth was 5.46 in FMR group and 6.02 in control group. 5. We suggest that fluoride mouthrinsing program should be developed to all primary schools to prevent dental caries.



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