고혈압환자의 일회성 트레드밀 운동에 따른 혈압과 혈관탄성 반응


  • Published : 20030000


Lee, J.H. Response of acute Treadmill Exercise on Blood Pressure and Vascular Compliance in Essential Hypertension patients. Exercise Science, 12(2): 267-276, 2003. The Propose of this study was to analyze the response of acute treadmill exercise on blood pressure and vascular compliance in essential hypertension patients. Twenty volunteers were studied : hypertension group(10), normal group(10). The experimental group was practicing on a treadmill at HRmax 60% exercise intensity for 30 minutes. We measured blood pressure and vascular compliance on 30minutes pre-exercise and post-exercise. This data were analyzed by dependent t-test and pearson correlation between blood pressure and vascular compliance. The result was as follow: The systolic blood pressure in normal group showed no significant differences between pre-exercise and post-exercise. and diastolic blood pressure in normal group showed no significant differences between pre-exercise and post-exercise. The systolic and diastolic blood pressure in hypertension group showed a significant differences. The vascular compliance measured right and left ankle in normal group and hypertension group which showed significant differences between pre-exercise and post-exercise. The systolic blood pressure in normal group was significantly related with diastolic blood pressure, vascular compliance measured left ankle. And significant relationship was found between vascular compliance measured right and left ankle. However, the diastolic blood pressure wasn't related with vascular compliance measured right and left ankle. The systolic blood pressure in hypertension group was significantly related with diastolic blood pressure, vascular compliance measured right ankle and left ankle. The diastolic blood pressure in hypertension group was significantly related with vascular compliance measured right ankle and left ankle. And significant relationship was found between vascular compliance measured right and left ankle.

이종호. 고혈압환자의 일회성 트레드밀 운동에 따른 혈압과 혈관탄성 반응. 운동과학, 제12권 제2호, 267-276, 2003. 본 연구에서는 본태성 고혈압환자의 일회성 중강도 운동이 운동 후 혈압 강하와 혈관탄성에 미치는 영향을 규명하고, 혈압과 혈관탄성의 관계를 밝히고자 본태성 고혈압환자 10명과 정상인 10명을 대상으로 HRmax 60%의 트레드밀 지속부하 운동을 실시하고 일회성 운동 전․후간 혈압과 혈관탄성을 관찰하였다. 트레드밀운동 실시 전․후 혈압의 차이는 고혈압 집단에서 수축기 혈압과(p<.000), 이완기 혈압(p<.002)에서 유의한 감소를 보였다. 왼발과 오른발의 혈관탄성은 두 집단 모두 유의한 증가를 보였으며, 왼발의 혈관탄성보다 많은 증가를 나타냈다. 고혈압 진단에서 수축기 혈압과 왼발의 혈관탄성(r=.-802), 오른발에서 측정한 혈관탄성(r=-.750)은 유의한 역상관을 보였고, 이완기 혈압과 왼발 혈관탄성(r=-.562), 오른발 혈관탄성(r=-.625) 역시 유의한 역상관을 나타내었다.



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