2-year evaluation for program of school dental clinics in Korea

학교구강보건실 운영 평가에 관한 연구

Min, Hee-Hong;Shin, Seung-Chul;Seo, Hyeun-Seog;Kim, Eun-Ju;Kim, Ho-Sun

  • Published : 20030600


School dental clinic programs is the most active and effective programs to prevent the oral disease for school-children and it is one of the recommended programs by the advanced and welfare countries. In Korea, 15 primary schools have been established the school dental clinics in 1999 as one of the public oral health programs supported by the Ministry of Health and Welfares, and expanded more every year. 11 school dental clinics among 15 were participated for 2-years evaluation project. Such items as the structure, the process, the supply of dental services, the promotion of the oral health level and the community supports were evaluated through the standardization by governmental suggestions. Average score for 2-years evaluation was estimated as 81.35% as considerably good remark. In detail, score 4.74 for the structure, 22.10 for the process, 19.77 for supply of dental services, 26.22 for promotion of the oral health level and 8.53 for the community supports were calculated. In conclusion, school dental clinic programs in Korea were evaluated considerably good and they should be extended to all primary schools as possible.



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