The Body Composition and Physical Fitness By the Hypodermic Fat Level of the Male High School Students

남자 고등학생의 체지방 수준별 신체구성과 체력

Seong, Nak-Gwang;Lee, Jung-Suk;Yang, Jeong-Ok

  • Published : 20030000


This research let 90 of the 135 male students, who are in the third grade in the high school the Busan, divided into the under-weight, the normal-weight, and the over-weight group, with 30 students in each group, according to the level of the Hypodermic Fat Rate in order to investigate the body composition and Physical Fitness By the hypodermic Fat distribution of the male high School Students, and examined in the body composition 4 and Physical Fitness 6 lists. This shows the following conclusion. After I was produced the average of a dependent variable of the hypodermic fat quantity and rate and standard deviation, to verify the mean deviation, an unitary variable analysis came into effect. This shows the following conclusion. 1. The hypodermic fat quantity and rate shows the obvious difference by order of over-weight, normal-weight, under-weight in the body composition by the hypodermic(P<.001), but the Ibm quantity and juices doesn't show that statistically(R>.05). 2. The muscular fitness of the over and the norma groups is higher than obvious difference from the former and the latter in the Physical Fitness by the hypodermicfat distribution(P<01). muscular endurance and gility of the under groups is the normal groups and higher than that of the over one, there is the obvious difference as we1I(P<001). muscular power the under groups, normal groups, higher then that of the over one, there is the obvious difference as we1I(P<.001). There isn't any difference statistically in balance and flexibility(P>.05). Therefore, among the under-weight, the normal-weight and the over-weight group, because the higher the hypodermic fat rate is, the lower the physical strength of students grows, teenagers should improve their health and decrease their hypodermic fat by doing exer챠se and a dietary treatment



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