Experience of Administration of Integrative Course for Internship

인턴을 위한 통합교육과정의 운영 경험

Kim, Sun;Hwang, Kun;Kang, Min-Hee;Oh, Hyung-Nam

  • Published : 20030000


Purpose: The aim of this study is to improve the integrative course for internship by evaluating and analyzing the questionnaire results. Methods: After the 10 times of integrative course implemented in 2002, the questionnaires were asked to the 43 interns working in university hospital(27 interns replied) located in Inchon. The item of the questionnaires were relevance of the integrative course, pertinence of the subject matters, usefulness of the integrative course, subjects to be added to the integrative course, subjects that must included in the next integrative course, subject most helpful, subjects least helpful, and suggestions to the integrative course. Results: The ratio of the positive answer to the numbers of the lecture times, relevance of the subject matters and usefulness of the integrative course were high. The subject most helpful and must included in the next integrative course was ’Usage of antibiotics’ from Department of Infection. The subjects least helpful were ’Basic urologic procedure’ and ’Professionalism of the young physicians’. This results suggests that whether the course or subject matter is related to the real clinical setting or not is important. Almost all interns want not being interrupted during the lecture time. Conclusion: Because almost all interns are tended to evaluate positively, the integrative course for the internship seems to be successful. The course should be organized to help the clinical experience of interns.



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