Perceptions about Teaching Profession of Technical High School Teachers with Experience In Industries

산업체경력을 가진 공업계고등학교 교사의 교직에 대한 인식 조사(경기도 지역에 한함)

Hwang, Sung-Hwan;Kim, Jin-Soo

  • Published : 20030000


The purpose of this study is to suggest recommendations which will lead desirable direction for formulating polices relating technical teachers and their assignment in future, by surveying and analyzing the perceptions of the teachers who have job experiences in industries, working in technical high school and identifying the basic problems. Items of importance of technical education, perception about profession, industrial job experience & teaching capability, teacher's quality & self development showed to be positive response in each inquiry. The item of social & economic status were responded to be negstive. The analysis results shows that additional support is recommended to enhance the social and economic status of teachers, considering the characteristics of technical education, to widen the assignment opportunities of industrial job experienced teachers who have the felling of the industrial field. For enhancing the feeling of industrial field of the technical teachers, economic support is needed for the self study and training to promote professionalism, and cares are necessary to reduce additional job except teaching.



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