The Affecting for Awareness of Exposure ot Hazardous Materials on the Working Satisfaction of Ship-repair Workers in the ROK Navy

선박수리업무에 종사하는 군무원들의 작업환경에 대한 인식이 직업만족도에 미치는 영향

O, Gyeong-Jae;Mo, Yeong-Ha;Yun, Han;Kim, Myeong-Seon;Lee, Jeong-Mi;Gwon, Geun-Sang

  • Published : 20030400


This study was carried out to evaluate the relations among working environments, health behaviors and satisfaction with their duty in a group of 200 ship-repair workers in the ROK navy. The results were as followings; Age of workers was 40 years and over(83%) and working duration was 10 years and over(71.5%). Most of them were married and had studied beyond high school. The 69.5% of workers satisfied with their job, whereas, about 59.5% of workers had satisfaction with their working condition. There were current smokers, 64.5%, current drinkers, 78.5%, current exercising workers, 43.5%, obese workers, 28.0%, and salted food intakers, 18.5% in the workers. The major harmful environmental factors in the ship-repair workplace are noise, vibration, dust and chemicals. Most of workers are exposed to above harmful factors and complained about exposure of noise and dust. The consumption of cigarette or alcohol in people who exposed to noise was much higher than in people who did not, but the difference was not statistically significant. Prevalence of obesity and hypertension were not significantly different between the exposure with noise and dust. Noise or dust exposure was significant relation to satisfaction with their duty and working condition. The affective factors for satisfaction with their duty were people who worked for 10 years or more(OR = 4.53), exercisers(OR = 7.41), and people who exposured to noise(OR = 4.78) and dust(OR = 3.05) in Logistic regression analysis.



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