Thinking student athlete

학생운동선수를 생각한다

Lee, Hak-Jun

  • Published : 20030000


The purpose of this study is to investigate the methods of human life for athlete in Korean college elite sports. Korean college athletes have played an important role in developing Korean sports. On the other hand, Korean college elite sports have such problems as doping, educational system, and so on. Korean college elite sports is needed to be institutionally reformed. In order to accomplish this, the researcher used two methods: individual and social approach to ethics. Recently many sport scholars try to solve the above problems by improving and developing their individual aspects. Such problems, however, can not be solved through are required: a) changing current athletes` lives into lives of existence-oriented, b) developing good relations among athletes, c) changing winning of result and phenomenon into the winning of reality and meaning d) changing current freezing athletes into athletes like artists. In relation to the social aspects, the following things are required: a) free choice of department for college athletes, b) adequate college entrance system, c) adequate school program management, d) adjusting game period, and e) adjusting the training period to accommodate their educational program. In conclusion, to solve such problems in Korean college elite athletes, the researcher uses the individual and social approaches to ethics, which is effective to improve life conditions for college athletes in Korean college elite sports.



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