A study on the actual condition of lAD and the relationship between the lAD and internet utilization types with psycho-social factors of technical high school students

공업계 고등학교 학생들의 인터넷 중독 실태 및 그것의 심리사회적 요인과 인터넷 활용 형태와의 관련성 연구

Ahn, Kwang-Sik;Choi, Won-Sik

  • Published : 20030000


The major purpose of this study is to provide educators necessary basic materials to construct various educational program for preventing technical high school students' internet addiction disorder(lAD). The actual condition of technical high school students' lAD, relationship between the lAD and internet utilization types (such as game, chatting, e-mail, information search, e-board, and lewd site search), and the relationship between the lAD and psycho-social factors(such as self-control and self-esteem) were inquired to achieve the research purpose. The subjects were 163 technical high school students in Chungnam, Daejon, and Pusan area. The results of the study showed that, in severe to minor lAD symptom, 9.20% of the subjects was in living impediment, 11.66% was in dependency to internet, 7.98% was in recurrence, 36.81% was in compulsion, and 34.36% was in persistence. The frequency of using various internet utilization types was generally high in the group of showing more severe degree lAD symptom. There was mild evidence that the discrepancy among different degree of lAD symptom groups exists in self-esteem.



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