A Study on the Feasibility of Residential Site Development in the Second District Unit Plan Area

하천유역 토지이용과 비점오염물질 발생강도간의 상관관계분석 - 도로와 건물의 비율 및 공간적 분포를 중심으로 -


  • Published : 20030000


This study analyzes the relationships between land use pattern and generation of non-point pollutants in watershed areas. The land use pattern is identified by the area ratio and spatial pattern of impervious surfaces such as roads and roofs of buildings. The intensity of non-point pollutants generation is measured by non-point pollutants load per unit area in a watershed. A regression model is developed to examine the impacts of land use pattern on non-point pollutants generation. The explanatory variables include the amount of rainfall, the duration of preceding non-rainy days, a seasonal dummy, the impervious surface area ratio, the clustering index of buildings, and the distance index of building groups to the rivers, The findings based on the estimation results are as follows: Firstly, a high ratio of impervious surfaces (building and road) increases non-point pollutant loads in the watershed. Secondly, the spatial pattern of impervious surfaces also affects the non-point pollutants load. As buildings are clustered and located near the river, non-point pollutants load increases.

본 연구에서는 불투수성표면이 비점오염원에 의해 발생하는 오염물질부하량과 관련이 높다는 기존연구를 바탕으로, 불투수성표면의 대표적인 요소이자 도시를 구성하는 주된 물리적 요소인 도로와 건물의 비율 및 공간적인 분포가 하천유역의 비점오염물질 발생에 어떠한 영향을 끼치는가를 분석하고자 한다.



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