The Relationships of Leisure Activity Types, Leisure Satisfaction Leisure Involvement and Solitude among the Elderly

노인의 여가활동 유형과 여가만족도, 여가몰입도 및 고독감간의 관계

Lee, Dong-Soo;Kwon, Pan-Keun

  • Published : 20030000


The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships of leisure activity types, leisure satisfaction, leisure involvement and solitude. This study utilized random sampling on the subjects of residents in Gyeongnam Province who are over 65 years old, 408 male, 432 female, and total 840. Data was collected by interview(1 to 1 interview method) accompanied by survey questionnaires. Data was analyzed by employing SPSS 10.0 for Windows, T test, One-way ANOVA and AMOS 4.0. Four conclusions were drawn, based on the research methods and procedures. First, the major types of leisure activities according to demographic characteristics were sports·fitness activities, hobby·cultural activities, and entertainment·social activities. The types did not have any difference with or without spouse. There were differences in the leisure types according to the other general characteristics. Second, among the demographic characteristics of the elderly, there were statistically significant differences in subjective health, satisfaction for allowance, and preparation for the elderly years. The elderly who were participated in leisure activities. Third, the subjects had the highest leisure satisfaction and leisure involvement in the sports·fitness activities. In terms of solitude they had the highest perception for the hobby·cultural activities. The elderly who are participated in sports·fitness activities, and entertainment·social activities had low perception for solitude. Fourth, in terms of the correlations of leisure activity types, leisure satisfaction, leisure involvement and solitude, leisure involvement and solitude, there was a positive linear correlation between leisure satisfaction and leisure involvement. There was a relatively high negative linear correlation between leisure satisfaction and solitude. There was a low negative linear correlation between leisure involvement and solitude.



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