A Study on the Dental Services Utilization by Application of the Andersen Model in Students of Some Korean University

앤더슨 모형을 이용한 우리나라 일부대학생의 구강진료이용행태에 관한 연구

Jeong, Gi-Chun;Lee, Heung-Soo;Kim, Soo-Nam

  • Published : 20030900


The purpose of this study is to provide framework for understanding university students' dental services utilization. In this paper Andersen model is applied to the analysis of dental services utilization. This model consists of predisposing, enabling, and need components that describe a person's decision to use dental health services. Questionnaire surveys were conducted for 521 university students. The number of independent variables used in the analysis was 36 in total, ie 25 predisposing components, 8 enabling components, and 3 need components. For statistical analyses of collected data, the multiple regression and the path analysis were adopted. The results obtained were as follows; 1. The proportion of students' dental visits was 41.5%, and the average of the dental visits was 2.33. 2. The purpose of most important recent utilization was dental caries treatment in university student. Also 4.4% of student visited dental clinic for oral disease prevention. 3. The amount of variance of the Andersen model for university student's dental visits was 16%. And of predisposing, enabling and need factors, which are components of the Andersen model, the need factors showed the largest amount of variance for university student's dental visits. 4. Number of restricted activity days caused by oral disease, having a regular dental care, socioeconomic status and perception on oral disease prevention were found to have significant major effects on dental services utilization of university student. Number of restricted activity days was most important factor affecting dental services utilization of student.



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