A Numerical Study of Yeongdong Heavy Snowfall Events Associated with Easterly

동풍계열의 기류와 관련된 영동대설 사례에 대한 수치모의 연구

Lee, Jae Gyoo;Lee, Jae Sung

  • Published : 20030800


The accumulated precipitation distributions of case A (a heavy snowfall event occurred on 14-16 January 1998) and case B (a heavy snowfall event occurred on 3 February 1997) differed from each other, particularly in the Yeongdong mountain area and Yeongdong coastal area, even though the two cases showed similar easterly flow pattern on the surface weather charts. Numerical simulations for these cases have been done to study mesoscale structure and to find out the main reasons for the large difference in snowfall amount between the Yeongdong mountain area and the Yeongdong coastal area. The simulations showed that the main reasons for the major difference in snowfall amount in the two areas between case A and case B were as follows: For case A, the angle of the inflow toward the mountains with respect to the axis of the mountains was nearly normal, and the wind flow was not prohibited from crossing the mountains in relatively high Froude number (~1.8). So the maximum upward velocity zone was located at around 2 km height above the slope of the mountain, leading to the heavy snowfall in the mountain area. Meanwhile, for case B the wind flow was inhibited from crossing the mountains due to the blocking effect in low Froude number (~0.2), so that the northeast flow over the adjacent sea changed to the northwest flow as it approached the mountains, and was trapped by the mountains. Furthermore, this northwesterly was of downward motion along the slope. Thus this lead the maximum upward velocity zone located at around 1 km height above the coastal area instead of the mountain area. In the result, the snowfall amount in the Yeongdong coastal area was more than that in the mountain area for case B.



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