Prognosis of Conservative Therapy on the TMD Patients with Noise

측두하악장애 환자의 관절음에 대한 보존적 처치의 예후

Ko, Myung-Yun;Cho, Soo-Hyun;Ahn, Yong-Woo

  • Published : 20030300


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the therapeutic effect and prognosis of the symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and treatment response of joint sound after conservative therapy with behavioral modification, pharmacotherapy, physical therapy and stabilization splint in TMD patients with painful joint sound. The subjects for this study were recruited from one hundred and forty-four new TMD patients in the Department of Oral Medicine at the Pusan National University Hospital from 1987 to 2001. Each patient was examined on the symptoms of TMD with a self-administered questionnaire, comprehensive history taking and clinical examination, including muscle and TM joint palpation, evaluation of jaw function, and joint noises. All subjects were diagnosed as the masticatory muscle disorders (MMD), the internal derangement (ID), the degenerative joint disease (DJD) and/or the combined disorders. The pattern of joint sounds was classified into click, crepitus, and pop. Therapeutic effects were evaluated by the subjective pain perception and the severity of noise (numerical analogue scale, NAS), maximum comfortable opening (MCO). Statistical analysis was performed to evaluate the changes of symptoms, especially treatment response of joint sound, only after physical therapy and after stabilization appliance with physical therapy with chi-square and t-test. Regardless of several classifications in this study, the symptoms of TMD were significantly improved after conservative therapy (P<0.05), and the major improvement was observed after stabilization appliance with physical therapy. 42.11% of TMD patients with click had reported no joint sound after stabilization appliance with physical therapy (P<0.05). However, no significant change was found in TMD patients with crepitus and pop. Therefore, we conclude that TMD patients with pain and dysfunction have overall improvement with conservative therapy and a combination treatment appear to be more effective than single treatment.



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