A Study of Fitness, Blood pressure and Body Fat Changes on Aging

연령추이에 따른 기초체력, 혈압, 체지방 변화 연구

Lee, Cheol-Ho;O, Hye-Sun;Jeong, Yong-An

  • Published : 20030000


The purpose of this study was to find changes on age increase for physical fitness and BP(blood press), WHR(waist hip ratio), %fat in Korean adults. The subjects of this study were consisted of both 8,666 males and 6,033 females who checked medical examination and physical fitness test at the N Fitness Center. The following are the key messages: (1) In age 20's showed highest physical fitness on push-up, sit-up, flexibility, grip strength, side-step, sargent jump, $V0_{2}max$and lowest on BP, WHR, %fat; (2) Physical fitness decrease significantly(p<.05) on age increase; (3) BP, WHR, %fat increase significantly(p<.05) on age increase; (4) Health related fitness factors more decrease than Skill related fitness factors.



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