The Study on the Oral Health Status and Behavior of Industrial Workers at Choong-Nam province, South Korea

충남지역 사업장 근로자의 구강건강수준 및 행태에 관한 연구

Seo, Hyeon-Seog;Park, Kyoung-Seop

  • Published : 20031200


The author has analyzed the results of oral health examinations and answer sheets for questionnarie for 12,469 industrial workers at Choong-Nam province, South Korea, from April to November, 2002, in order to make a plan for reforming of the periodic oral examination system for industrial workers, Korea. The obtained results are as follows; 1. 34.7% of workers who thought of themselves as having good oral health actually had good oral health. 2. 62.6% of workers who had caries didn't visit dental clinic during the last year. 65.2%of workers who need for receiving the scaling, didn't visit the dental clinic during the last year. 3. 42.2% of the total number of workers visited a dental clinic, and 25.2% had received scaling during the last year. 4. The frequency of brushing per day was 2.65 0.90. The workers who brushes before eating breakfast was 49.2%. To reform and Improve of the system, incremental dental health care system for industrial workers is needed. And oral health education is needed to increase the motivation of industrial workers to control their basic dental disease..



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