Effects of Maximal Graded Exercise Test on the WBC and CRP Levels in Marathon Club Participants

점진적 최대부하 운동이 마라톤 동호인의 WBC와 C-reactive Protein 농도에 미치는 영향

Byun, Jae-Chul

  • Published : 20030000


The purpose of this study was to verify the effects of white blood cell and C-reactive protein after the maximal graded exercise test in marathon club participants. None of them has any illness and use of any medication during the experiment. Thirteen healthy male marathon club runners aged between 35-50 years. The experiments group were moderately trained running 36-70 km/week, 3-6 days/week and control group were trained running 12-25 km, 1-2 days/week. The present study showed that V$O_2$max in experiments group was higher than control group but there was no significant differences between group. There was no significant differences on serum total cholesterol, HDL-C and LDL-C levels between groups. There were significant differences on WBC, neutrophil, eosinophil and lymphocyte between before and after maximal graded exercise(p<0.05, p<0.01, respectively). And there was significant differences on plasma C-reactive protein(CRP) level between group(p<0.05). Moreover, plasma CRP level in experiment group was lower than control group(p<0.05). Consequently, the present study has demonstrated that increasing levels of regular physical activity and frequently exercise training may prevent or lower coronary heart disease(CHD) risk by reducing inflammatory markers.



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