The Effects of Low-Level Jet and Topography on Heavy Rainfall near Mt. Jirisan

지리산 부근 집중호우 발생시 하층제트와 지형의 영향

Park, Chang Hyoun;Lee, Hwa Woon;Jung, Woo-Sik

  • Published : 20030800


Synoptic scale low-level jet and meso-scale topography are very important factors associated with heavy rainfall occurred in southern Korea in summer. Sancheong near Mt. Jirisan has the highest frequency of heavy rainfall during 1973~1999. This study focuses on the contribution of low-level jet and topography to heavy rainfall occurred near Mt. Jirisan. ARPS(Advanced Regional Prediction System) model is used with one event day data in July 31 1998. The analysis of the results of four numerical experiments reveals that the main reasons of the heavy rainfall around Mt. Jirisan are high wind speed and humidity of the low-level jet and high orography. The result of the first numerical experiment which attempts to simulate the observation is used as a reference to compare with the other experiments for checking the contribution of each factor. The results show that high wind speed of the low-level jet contributes to the increase of total precipitation, and that the precision of humidity measurement is very important for the prediction of the total precipitation. The results also reveal that high orography is one of the important factors of the heavy rainfall, and that high resolution of the terrain data could be also important factor for the numerical prediction of heavy rainfalls.



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