The effect of rubber-band exercise on daily living fitness among stroke patient

고무밴드운동이 뇌졸중환자의 일상활동체력에 미치는 효과

Kim, Hyun-Soo;Kim, Nam-Jung

  • Published : 20030000


The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy of, and the adherence to, a 8-week community-based progressive resistance training program for unilateral stroke patient utilizing Thera-band (elastic rubber band). Ten men and 5 women[mean±SD, 69.5±1.4 years] performed three times per week, that is, one to three sets of 8-12 repetitions for each of 9 resistance exercises. Pre- and post-testing included knee extension/flexion strength testing, flexibility measures of the hip, gait speed, and muscle endurance. The exercises involved muscles of both the lower and upper body. Within the group, 13 of the 15 subjects (87%) completed the study. Of these subjects completing the study adherence to the three training sessions per week was about 90%. They demonstrated significant increases in knee flexion (23%, p<.01) and extension (24%, p<.05)) strength. Changes in gait speed (13.8%) and arm curl (18.3%) were not significant (p>.05), although subjects perceived gains in physical abilities after program. Up and Go test improved after training (p<.05), with speed increasing by 18.9% after training relative to baseline. These results suggest that community-based resistance training programs utilizing Theraband can serve as a practical and effective means of eliciting daily living fitness gains in stroke patients.



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