A study on the incremental dental cares of giving the first consideration to prevention in dental clinic

예방위주의 계속구강건강관리 제도의 운영사례에 대한 분석 연구-16세 이하 연령층을 대상으로-

Won, Joon-Young;Shin, Seung-Chul;Seo, Hyeon-Seog;Riew, Hyun

  • Published : 20030900


The purpose of this study was to obtain database for developing a model of incremental dental care system in Korea. The author conducted the incremental dental care for 232 persons during one year in personal dental hospital. The data was analyzed improvement of oral health conditions during initial stage and 1st incremental care stage, and required cost during one year. The results were as follows ; 1. Active caries free rate was increased from 75.43% to 94.83% during incremental dental care. 2. The mean care time was estimated 486.1 minutes per one person. The dental chair-time for incremental dental care was 314.9 minutes and the indirect required time was 171.2 minutes. 3. The mean care cost of incremental dental care was estimated 413,159 Won based on customary fee and 284,576Won based on relative value scale, 278,521 Won based on labor cost and clinic operating cost. 4. The proper incremental dental care cost of the first year until highschool student was estimated about 280,000 Won, and the cost seemed to be reduced from second year. 5. It is suggested that incremental dental care program in personal dental clinic is effective means of improving oral health and it is recommended to extend the incremental dental care program.



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