Insecticidal Activity and Fumigation Conditions of Several Insecticides against Japanese Pine Sawyer (Monochamus alternatus) Larvae

솔수염하늘소(Monochamus alternatus) 燻蒸防除를 위한 數種 殺蟲劑의 殺蟲活性 및 燻蒸條

Lee, Sang-Myeong;Chung, Yeong-Jin;Moon, Yil-Seong;Lee, Sang-Gil;Lee, Dong-Woon;Choo, Ho-Yul;Lee, Chong-Kyu

  • Published : 2003.09.30


Fumigation effect of metam-sodium 25% SL, aluminium phosphide GA, bifenthrin 4% FW, diazinon3% G, and Anmoracia rusticana was evaluated against larvae of Japanese pine sawyet(MonochamusaIternatus) at the damage areas of pine wilt disease by Bursaphelenchus xytophilus for one year from April, 2001 to April, 2002. In addition, application time of metam-sodium and fumigation effect depending on the height of piled timber and mulching of soil surface were investigated at the piled timber. Effect of rate of metam sodium was also evaluated at the stump of cut black pine (Pinus thunbergii). Mortality of Japanese pine sawyer larvae was 18% at the rate of aluminium phosphide GA 8 tablets/$m^3$, 40% atthat of 12 tablets/$m^3$, and 100% at that of 42 tablets/$m^4$, respectively. Metam sodium 25% WP was effective showing 98% mortality at the rate of 0.5ℓ/$m^4$ and the rate of metam sodium inducing 100%mortality was over 0.7ℓ/$m^3$. However, bifenthrin 4% FW and diazinon 3% GR were not effective against larvae of Japanese pine sawyer. On the contrary 100% mortality was shown at the rate of 60㎖/$m^3$ of Armoracia rusticana oil. Application time of metam sodium did not affect mortality of Japanese pine sawyer larvae, i.e., mortality was 100% in 7 days after treatment in March, May, October and December. Metam sodium killed 100% of Japanese pine sawyer larvae in cut timber by 1 m in the fumigation tent regardless of height. Effect of mulching of soil surface for 48 h influenced efficacy of metam sodium and A. rusticana oil. Metam sodium killed 100% of Japanese pine sawyer larvae without relation to mulching. However, A. rusticana oil did not kill Japanese pine sawyer larvae in the nonmulching area while 100% mortality was shown in the mulching area.

본 연구는 메탐소디움 25%액제, 인화늄 56%정제, bifenthrin 4%과립훈연제, diazinon 3%입제, 양고추냉이 98%정유와 10%gas를 이용하여 소나무재선충병 매개충인 솔수염하늘소 유충에 대한 살충활성과메탐소디움 25%액제의 훈증조건에 대해 2001년 4월부터 2002년 4월까지 평가하였다. 솔수염하늘소 유충에 대한 약제별 살충효과에 있어서 인화늄 정제 8정/$m^3$ 처리까지는 살충률이 18% 이하였고, 12정/$m^3$ 처리에서는 40%를 나타내 었으며 100% 치사약량은 42정/$m^3$ 이상이 었다. 메탐소디움 25%액제는 0.5ℓ/$m^3$처리구에서 98% 이상의 높은 치사율을 보였으며 100% 치사약량은 0.7ℓ/$m^3$ 이상이 었다. Bifenthrin 4% 과립훈연제와 diazinon 3% 입제 처리구에서는 살충효과가 전혀 없었으며 천연물 추출액인 양고추냉이 98%정유를 60mℓ/$m^3$ 이상 처리시 100%의 치사율을 보였다. 메탐소디움 25%액제를 3월과 5월, 10월, 12월에각각 처리하였을 때 처리시기와 관계없이 처리7일 후 100%의 살충효과를 보였다. 메탐소디움 25%액제훈증상내 가스확산 상황을 알아보기 위하여 피해목을 1m 길이로 잘라 훈증상에 수직으로 세워놓고 훈증한결과 매개충의 수직적인 분포에 관계없이 100%의 살충효과를 나타내었다. 메탐소디움25%액제와 양고추냉이 98%오일을 훈증처리시 훈증기간은 48시간 이상이 효과적이었다. 메탐소디움 25% 액제는 훈증상내의 바닥 비닌 피복유무와 관계없이 100%의 살충효과를 보였고, 양고추냉이 98%정유는 훈증상내에 비닐을 피닥했을 때 살충률 100%를 보였으나 미 피복시에는 살충효과가 전혀 없었다.



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