Effect of kinesio taping on isokinetic function and fatigue of thigh muscle

대퇴부의 테이핑 적용이 등속성 근기능 및 근피로에 미치는 영향

Wee, Seung-Doo;Seo, Youg-Hwan

  • Published : 20030000


The purpose of this study was to invstigate whether kinesio tape therapy is able to improve muscle strenght, muscle power, muscle endurance from isokinetic test with CYBEX and of muscle fatigue as estimated from surface electromyographic (EMG) data taken from quadriceps muscles(M vastus medialis, M vastus lateralis). The subjects in this study were 10 male sport man who performed maximum isokinetic tests of the knee in concentric and eccentric (respectively 3 repeat at $60_{\circ}$/sec, 26 repeat at $180_{\circ}$/sec. modes). The frequency components of the surface EMG power spectrum were analyzed using median frequency[MP]. An alpha level of .05 was used as the criteria for significance. The summary of the comparison result of taped and not taped muscles using CYBEX and EMG is below. 1. At $60_{\circ}$/sec there were significant differences in values of peak torque, peak torque per body weight(㎏) and angle at peak porque both for flexion and extension 2. At $180_{\circ}$ /sec there were significant difference in values of average time, average time per body weight(kg) and accel time both for flexion and extension 3. At $180_{\circ}$ /sec there were no significant difference in values of endurance ration and total work both for flexion and extension. 4. There were no significant difference in mean values of muscle fatigue ration of vastus medialis, vastus lateralis both for flexion and extension at $180_{\circ}$ /sec The results permit the conclusion that applying kinesio tape therapy on thigh muscle may improve the muscle strength and muscle power but have little effect to enhance endurance. Therefore it will increase muscle functions of player ability in may sports.



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