A Cinical Study on The Labial Diseases

구순의 피부 병변에 대한 임상적 고찰

Park, Hyun-Su;Choi, Jung-Chul;Chun, Duk-Kyu

  • Published : 20030900


Background: Diseases of the lips are common, however the clinical investigations of the labial lesions are not sufficient. Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the epidemiological aspects of the labial diseases with the brief review of the common labial diseases. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the data on 117 patients biopsied for the labial lesions at Sanggye Paik Hospital between August, 1989 and May, 2003. Results: The ratio of male to female was 1:1.54(46:71). The general age distribution was relatively even, however the age distribution was quite different in each disease. The frequent labial diseases were mucocele, pyogenic granuloma, actinic cheilitis, Fordyce’s condition, hemangioma, squamous cell carcinoma, verruca, venous lake, etc., in order of frequency. Vascular disorders and the diseases associated with ultraviolet radiation, such as actinic cheilitis and squamous cell carcinoma, are relatively frequent. Among 117 cases, 29 cases(24.8%), 78 cases(66.7%), and 9 cases(7.7%) involved upper lip, lower lip, and both lips, respectively. And the frequency of the diseases varied according to the locations. Conclusion: The result of our study was different from others and we consider the discrepancy resulted from the regional and racial difference. Further investigations of a wider and larger nature are necessary to understand the epidemiology of labial diseases.



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