Factors Influencing on the Compliance of Breast Self-Examination of Nurses in a Local Area

일부지역 간호사의 유방 자가검진 이행 예측요소

Kim, Eun-Kyeung;Lee, Hae-Jung;Ahn, Suk-Hee;Chung, Eun-Soon

  • Published : 20031200


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the influencing factors on the compliance of breast self-examination (BSE) among nurses who work at three general hospitals in Kyung-Nam areas. Method: 258 hospital nurses were included in the study. Data were collected using structured self-administered questionnaires and analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, $x^2$ test and logistic regression analysis. Result: Nurses reported medium levels of knowledge, self efficacy and health believes about breast cancer and BSE, and 26% of the nurses performed the BSE at least once during the last 6 months. Compliers of BSE perceived significantly higher levels of self-efficacy, susceptability and health motivation, and lower level of barrier compared to non-compliers. Significant influencing factors on BSE compliance were experience of getting recommendation for breast self examination', 'susceptibility', 'barrier', and 'self-efficacy' and those variables explained 22.5% of variance in compliance of BSE. Conclusion: Nurses, who must play as a role model for health promoting behaviors, did not have enough knowledge of breast cancer and BSE. Also, their performance rate of BSE was quite low. Thus, it is essential to provide an educational program for breast cancer and BSE to nurses in order to enhance nurses' performance rate of BSE.



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