Analysis on Commuting Pattern Change and Its Determinants in Seoul Metropolitan Area

서울대도시권 통근통행 특성변화 및 통근거리 결정요인 분석: 1980~2000년의 변화를 중심으로


  • Published : 20030000


This paper aims to analyze suburbanization processes and the effects of suburbanization on commuting patterns and average commuting distances between 1980 and 2000 in the Seoul Metropolitan Area (SMA). This paper also builds standard regression models for analyzing socio-economic determinants of commuting distance with Census 2% sample data for 1980 and 2000. Analysis results from population growth rates, intra-metropolitan migration, and Gini coefficients support that the SMA has experienced significant level of suburbanization in terms of population and employment during the last two decades. An interesting finding is that suburbanization made average commuting distances longer by 2Km every ten years. Another finding is that subcenters absorb more and more commuters, while number of commuters to the CBD has declined in the 1990s, indicating the SMA's job decentralization and polycentric urban form. More importantly, regression analysis results present that intra-metropolitan migrants from Seoul to suburb made significant contributions to making average commuting distance longer.

본 연구는 5개의 절로 구성되어 있다. 제2절은 수도권 인구 및 직장의 교외화 패턴에 대한 분석을 시도한다. 제3절에서는 교외화에 따른 통근패턴변화 분석을, 제4절에서는 통근거리에 영향을 미치는 결정인자 분석을 시도한다. 제5절은 분석 결과를 요약하고 분석결과에 근거한 정책적 시사점을 제시하도록 한다.



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