The Study on Relationship between of Juvenile Sports Activity Participation and Violence Behavior

청소년의 스포츠활동 참가와 폭력행동의 관계 연구

Lee, Kang-Woo

  • Published : 20030000


The Purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of sports activities participation as an alternative in preventing violence behavior in Juvenile. It specifically discusses what relation juvenile sports activities participation has with violence behavior and what it influences. The study conducted on the subjects 388 male·female high school students in Seoul, and is conducted questionnaire by Revised juvenile violence behavior of Yeom Young Ok(1999) and Sports Activities types of Kenyon(1966), Han Tae Yong(1996), Nam Sun Min(1997), Kim Sun Kwan(1998) used as tools. The statistical method used for the analysis of this study Pearson's Correlation, t-test, ANOVA, Multiple Regression with SPSS/PC+10.0 Version for Windows. The results of this study are as Follows, First, There was significant difference according to sex on sports activities participation level(ordinary participation and periodical participation) and violence behavior. Second, There was no correlation according to sports activities participation level(ordinary participation and periodical participation) and violence behavior. Third, Sports activities participation types(behavioral participation and affective participation), sports activities participation level(ordinary participation) and violence behavior was significant difference according on Sex. Therefore, through the result of this study, it is considered that juveniles' sport participation can be a positive function used for reducing and preventing juvenile violence behavior in aspects of juvenile welfare and juvenile problem solving.



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