Development and Application of Menu Engineering Technique for University Residence Hall Foodservice

대학 기숙사 급식의 메뉴 운영 특성을 고려한 Menu Engineering기법 개발 및 적용

  • 양일선 (연세대학교 생활과학대학 식품영양학전공) ;
  • 이해영 (연세대학교 식품영양과학연구소) ;
  • 신서영 (연세대학교 식품영양과학연구소) ;
  • 도현욱 (연세대학교 생활과학대학 식품영양학전공)
  • Published : 2003.02.01


This article aims to summarize the development and application of menu engineering technique, 'Menu Engineering Modified by Preference (MEMP)'. The site selected for this project was a foodservice operation in Yonsei University residence hall. Sales and food costs data were collected from the daily sales reports for 1 month, and the survey of food preference was conducted during May, 1999. Statistical data analysis was completed using the SAS/Win 6.12 for descriptive analysis. The calculation for menu analysis were carried out with MS 2000 Excel spreadsheet program. This MEMP technique developed had 6 category criteria and 2 dimensions of the contribution margin (CM) and the menu mix modified% (MMM%) . The MMM% was calculated by the sales volumes and also weighted by food preference. The CM and MMM% for each item were compared with a mean menu CM as well as a 70% rule. Four possible classifications by MEMP were fumed out as 'STAR', 'PLOWHORSE', 'PUZZLE', 'DOG'. 'STAR' items were the most popular and profitable items and required to maintain rigid specifications for quality. The decision actions for 'PLOWHORSE' menu items which were relatively popular, but yield a low menu average CM included combining a plowhorse item with lower cost products and reducing the frequency of serving or serving size. There was a need for 'PUZZLE' items to be changed in the menu combination, improve recipe, and promote menu. The last DOG' items were desired to be deleted. This study demonstrates that menu information can be interpreted more easily with MEMP. The use of MEMP is therefore an effective way to improve management decisions about menu of university residence hall foodservice.



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