Study on Hygiene Knowledge and Recognition on Job Performance Levels for HACCP Application for Employees at Contract Foodservices

위탁급식소 조리종사원의 HACCP 적용에 필요한 위생지식 및 직무수행수준에 대한 인지도

  • 문혜경 (창원대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 황잠옥 (창원대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 2003.02.01


In this study, hygiene knowledge and recognition on job performance levels of foodservice employees at different degrees of HACCP application had been compared. As for the comparison of hygiene knowledge for HACCP application, foodservice employees at "Appointed" showed significantly higher HACCP knowledge (p < 0.01) . As for recognition on job performance levels, this status also assured the significant difference between the comparison groups (p < 0.01) : "Appointed" showed the highest point of 4.24 while "Voluntary applying" and "Non-applying" showed 3.39 and 2.53 respectively. The "Appointed" group showed the well performance of most of the surveyed items. "Voluntary applying" group showed unsatisfactory performance in various log recordings and some part of surveyed items. As for "Non-applying", many items were performed under the average score as they do not apply HACCP.ems were performed under the average score as they do not apply HACCP.



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