A Cognition and Experience of Sexual Violence of the High School Students

고등학생의 성폭력 경험과 인식1) /

  • Published : 2003.04.01


The Purpose of this study is to investigate the cognition and experience of sexual violence and to Present the influential factors of the cognition of sexual violence. The subjects were 835 high school students living in Kwangiu and Chonnam. The data analysis used Mean. Standard Deviation, T-test. F-test. and Multiple Regression Analysis The major findings is as follows : 1 There are meaningful differences in the experience of sexual violence between male and female adolescents. 2. There are meaningful differences in the cognition of sexual violence in sex. sex-role attitude. experience of obscene materials and sex education. 3. The variables which affect cognition of sexual violence is sex-role attitude, sex and experience of obscene materials that were explained about 10%.



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