A Study of Information literacy Instructional Method through Multiple Intelligences

다중지능이론에 의한 학교도서관 정보교육 방안에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2003.03.01


Information Literacy Instruction(ILI) is recognised with essential role of the school library, as information use ability appears with one literacy in knowledge and information society. The successful ILI is necessary teaching and teaming model of student's activities that it provides the various experience, to motivate, to promote positive participation. Consequently, this study is developed to teaching and teaming model of student's activity through Multiple Intelligences which emphasizes to human's multi dimension and activities.

정보활용능력이 지식정보사회에 있어서 하나의 리터러시로 등장하면서 정보교육(ILI)은 학교도서관의 주요 역할로 인식되고 있다. 효과적으로 학교도서관 정보교육을 전개하기 위해서는 다양한 체험을 제공하고, 학생들의 동기 유발과 적극적인 참여를 유도할 수 있는 교수학습 활동 모형이 필요하다. 이에 본고에서는 인간의 다양한 지적 능력과 이에 적합한 활동을 강조하는 다중지능이론(multiple intelligences theory)을 바탕으로 학교도서관 정보교육의 교수학습 활동 모형을 개발하고, 이를 전개할 수 있는 방안을 제시하고자 한다.



  1. 교육인적자원부장관 인정 교과서 초등학교 정보와 도서관;중학교 정보와 도서관;고등학교 정보와 도서관 김용철(등)
  2. 교육학 연구 v.38 no.4 다중지능이론에 기초한 교수학습방법 연구 신명희
  3. 교육학 연구 v.35 no.3 다중지능이론과 학교교육 개선에 관한 연구 심우엽
  4. Information Power: Building Partnerships for Learning AASL;AECT
  5. Final Report Presidential Committee on Information Literacy ALA
  6. Multiple intelligences in the classroom Armstrong,T.
  7. Reference Librarian v.24 Politics for bridging the gap Breivik,P.S.
  8. Seven Faces of Information Literacy Bruce,C.S.
  9. CMLEA Journal v.17 no.2 Information-literate use of telecommunications Doyle,C.S.
  10. School Library Media Annual v.8 Learning style and library media programs Dunn,R.;Smith,J.B.
  11. Information Problem-Solving: The Big Six Skills Approach to Library and Information Skulls Instruction Eizenberg,Michael B.;Robert E. Ber-kowitz
  12. Frames of mind: the theory of multiple intelligence;마음의 틀 Gardner,H.;이경희(역)
  13. Multiple Intelligence: The theory in practice;다중지능 이론의 이론과 실제 Gardner,H.;김명희(역);이경희(역)
  14. Information literacy instruction: the teory and practice Grassian,E.S.;Kaplowitz,J.R.
  15. The Reference Librarian v.44 Assessing information skills instruction Grover,R.
  16. IFLA/UNESCO School Library Guidelines IFLA
  17. Library Trends v.39 no.3 Learning style theory and learning transfer principles during reference interview instruction Hensley,R.
  18. Study and Information Skills Across the Curriculum Irving,Ann
  19. Making the writing and research connection with the I-Search Process Joyce,M.Z.;Tallman,J.I.
  20. Experiential learning Kolb,D.A.
  21. School Library Media Quarterly v.22 no.1 Information Search Process: A Summary of Research and Implications for School Library Media Programs Kuhlthau, Carol C.
  22. Seekining meaning: a process approach to library and information services Kuhlthau, Carol C.
  23. Information for a new age The instructional role of the library media specialist in the information age school Kuhlthau, Carol C.
  24. About learning McCarthy,B.
  25. Information Studies, K-12 Ontario School Library Association OSLA
  26. Pathways to Knowledge: Follett's Information Skills Model. Kit Pappas, Marjorie
  27. Brainstorms and Blueprints Stripling, Barbara K.;Judy M. Pitts
  28. Information literacy and information skill instruction: applying research to practice in the school library media center Tomas, Nancy P.
  29. The Information Service Environment Relationships and Priorities Zurowski, Paul

Cited by

  1. A Study on the School Library for Constructivism in Teaching /Learning vol.44, pp.1, 2010,
  2. An Analysis of Multiple Intelligences' Effect on Book Selection Preferences vol.43, pp.4, 2009,