A Proposal on the Elderly Consumer's Consumer Informationization Education in Chung-buk Province : Connection with the Informationization Education for the Community by Chung-buk Province

충북 지역 노인 소비자의 소비자 정보화 교육 방안 : 지역사회 주민을 위한 충북의 정보화 교육과의 연계

  • Shim, Young (Dept. of Family Resource Studies, Seowon University)
  • 심영 (서원대학교 가족환경학과)
  • Published : 2003.05.01


The purpose of this study was to suggest the elderly consumer's consumer informationization education connected with the informationization education for the community by Chung-buk province. Three hundred seventy nine elders were surveyed, with questionnaires from August 12 to September 30, 2002, and a hypothetical model of the consumer informationization education on the basis of the informationization education for the suggestion of the elderly consumer's consumer informationization education was tested. The results were as follows: the perception and the attitude on the informationization education of the elderly were, with a statistical significance, positively related to the perception and the attitude on the consumer informationization education of the elderly. The consumer informationization education (basis, application, attendance, and mission) on the basis of the informationization education (basis and application) in steps was supported as a suggestion for the elderly consumer's consumer informationization education.



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