Effect of Jeungikgwiryon-tang (Tsengikueijung-tang) on Bone Density and Bone Biochemical Markers in Osteoporotic Rats

난소적출 흰쥐의 골밀도 및 골대사에 증익귀용탕이 미치는 영향

  • 송영상 (경원대학교 한의과대학 한방재활의학과 교실) ;
  • 임형호 (경원대학교 한의과대학 한방재활의학과 교실)
  • Published : 2003.09.01


Objective : As the average span of human life extends, more and more people are at risk of developing osteoporosis, one of the typical diseases of the aged. This thesis presents the effects of Jeungikgwiryon-tang (Tsengikueijung-tang) on bone density, bone biochemical markers, and fetal calvarial cells (FCC) of Sprague Dawleys (S.D.) rats that have induced osteoporosis. The purpose is to see how Jeungikgwiryon-tang (Tsengikueijung-tang) reduces osteoporosis symptoms. Methods : In the first experiment Sprague Dawleys rats were administered Jeungikgwiryon-tang (Tsengikueijung-tang) for 70 days, once a day. Two different doses were used, creating high-dosed and low-dosed groups. The results were compared with a control group. In the second experiment, Jeungikgwiryon-tang (Tsengikueijung-tang) was applied to fetal calvarial cells (FCC) obtained from fetuses inside pregnant Sprague Dawleys rats. The FCCs from high-dosed and low-dosed groups were compared with those from a control group. Results : 1. Bone densities in Groups A and B increased significantly from a control group. 2. Bone ash densities in Group A showed substantial increase. 3. Calcium and phosphorus in bones in Group A increased significantly. 4. Activity of fetal calvarial cells' division in Groups A and B increased significantly from a control group, and ALP of fetal calvarial cells' formation in Group A increased significantly. 5. Protein and collagen levels of fetal calvarial cells in Group A increased significantly. Conclusion : It was found that Jeungikgwiryon-tang (Tsengikueijung-tang) has a tendency to make significant increases in bone densities by enhancing bone formation and by retarding bone absorption. It was concluded that Jeungikgwiryon-tang (Tsengikueijung-tang) activates osteoblast cells effectively.



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