A Comparison of Customer Satisfaction with Commerce through Interactive Systems vs. Traditional Commerce: Cases of Internet Commerce, TV Home Shopping, and Traditional Commerce

상호작용 시스템을 이용한 상거래와 전통적 상거래에서의 고객만족 비교: 인터넷/TV 홈쇼핑/정통적 상거래를 중심으로

  • Published : 2003.03.31


Today ordinary consumers have the option of buying the products/services through Internet commerce, home shopping, or traditional commerce. This study compares the means-ends objective measures comprising the customer satisfaction with each type of commerce. Means objective variables consist of product variety, impulsive buying, comparison shopping, product information, and accuracy of transaction. Ends objective variables include convenience, safety, time saving, cost reduction, and shopping enjoyment. Results of data analysis indicate that ends objective variables are directly related with the behavioral intention of customers, and that each type of commerce has its own pros and cons which in turn provides the basis for differentiated customer satisfaction.



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