Chemical Accidents Response Information System(CARIS) for the Response of Atmospheric Dispersion Accidents in association with Hazardous Chemicals

유해화학물질 관련 대기오염사고 대응을 위한 화학물질사고대응정보시스템 (CARIS)

  • Kim, Cheol-Hee (National Institute of Environmental Research, Center for Chemical Safety Management) ;
  • Park, C.J. (National Institute of Environmental Research, Center for Chemical Safety Management) ;
  • Park, J.H. (National Institute of Environmental Research, Center for Chemical Safety Management) ;
  • Im, C.S. (National Institute of Environmental Research, Center for Chemical Safety Management) ;
  • Kim, M.S. (National Institute of Environmental Research, Center for Chemical Safety Management) ;
  • Park, C.H. (National Institute of Environmental Research, Center for Chemical Safety Management) ;
  • Chun, K.S. (National Institute of Environmental Research, Center for Chemical Safety Management) ;
  • Na, J.G. (National Institute of Environmental Research, Center for Chemical Safety Management)
  • 김철희 (국립환경연구원 화학물질안전관리센터) ;
  • 박철진 (국립환경연구원 화학물질안전관리센터) ;
  • 박진호 (국립환경연구원 화학물질안전관리센터) ;
  • 임차순 (국립환경연구원 화학물질안전관리센터) ;
  • 김민섭 (국립환경연구원 화학물질안전관리센터) ;
  • 박춘화 (국립환경연구원 화학물질안전관리센터) ;
  • 천광수 (국립환경연구원 화학물질안전관리센터) ;
  • 나진균 (국립환경연구원 화학물질안전관리센터)
  • Received : 2003.01.23
  • Accepted : 2003.02.19
  • Published : 2003.03.31


The emergency response modeling system CARIS has been developed at CCSM (Center for Chemical Safety Management), NIER (National Institute of Environmental Research) to track and predict dispersion of hazardous chemicals for the environmental decision support in case of accidents at chemical or petroleum companies in Korea. The main objective of CARIS is to support making decision by rapidly providing the key information on the efficient emergency response of hazardous chemical accidents for effective approaches to risk management. In particular, the integrated modeling system in CARIS consisting of a real-time numerical weather forecasting model and air pollution dispersion model is supplemented for the diffusion forecasts of hazardous chemicals, covering a wide range of scales and applications for atmospheric information. In this paper, we introduced the overview of components of CARIS and described the operational modeling system and its configurations of coupling/integration in CARIS. Some examples of the operational modeling system is presented and discussed for the real-time risk assessments of hazardous chemicals.



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