The Trend on the Change of the Cherry Blossom Flowering Time due to the Temperature Change

기온 변화에 따른 벚꽃 개화시기의 변화 경향

  • Received : 2003.02.10
  • Accepted : 2003.02.27
  • Published : 2003.03.31


The purpose of this paper is to examine the trend on the change of the cherry blossom flowering time due to the temperature change by selecting regions that have long periods of cherry blossom flowering time data as cases. With the flowering time data, the distribution of cherry blossom flowering time, time series change and change rate of cherry blossom flowering time were analyzed. Also, the correlation between the cherry blossom flowering time and the temperature was analyzed. The flowering of cherry blossom is earlier in metropolitan areas, and in the east coastal region than the west coastal region. The trend on the change of the cherry blossom flowering time is very similar to change the temperature. The change rate of the cherry blossom flowering time is rising up in the whole regions under study, and is relatively high in metropolitan areas. Especially, the cherry blossom flowering time festinated greatly in Pohang that is one of the heavily industrialized cities. From the analysis of correlation analysis between cherry blossom flowering time and temperature elements, the cherry blossom flowering time is highly related with mean temperature of March, which the month is just before the beginning of flowering.



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